Sometimes I think that people look upon wooden paddles as being the "poor cousins" of the carbon fibre ones. I'll admit that I made my first Greenland paddle because I was too cheap to buy a CF unit. A year later, I was given a fairly decent Euro CF paddle for Christmas but promptly returned it to the store as I knew that I was committed to using the wooden GP and the Euro would see little to no action.
At the risk of sounding "airy fairy", there's something very organic about a wooden paddle - "obviously", you say, as it's generally made of 100% entirely organic materials (I say "generally" because some are laminated with a glue or epoxy). But a wooden paddle is organic in other ways. First, there is a good chance that you fabricated the paddle yourself - so you know all about it. It's curves, weight, balance and, yes we all have them, imperfections!! Wood also has a very different feel than a CF or other non-wood materials. Wood never feels very cold - no matter how cold the air or water may be. A hand carved paddle is also more than a tool. A well crafted paddle borders on a sculpted carving - a piece of functioning art, so to speak
A wooden paddle by nature, can require more upkeep than a CF or fibreglass or, god forbid, aluminium and plastic. Is this a downside? I say not. I'm very careful with my wood paddles. They are stored against the wall in my living room (right behind me as I type) They are handled carefully when being transported in the car. When I notice that the tung oil finish is looking a little lack lustre, I give it a quick rub with steel wool and apply another quick coat of oil. This, in itself, is therapeutic. In a matter of minutes you can take a dull paddle and replace it with a shiny (but not too shiny) new one. It's very satisfying.
Even the dings on a wooden paddle can be attractive. A CF or FG paddle blade usually shows white when its given a hard scrape or knock. A wooden paddle, on the other hand, will bear its wound less obviously. A ding on a wooden paddle usually shows as darker - almost like a bruise. (Think of a boxer proudly displaying his battle wounds)
A wooden paddle that you've crafted, I would think, has a greater attachment to you than a CF or FG that you bought in the store. I know that is how I feel. My current paddle is 88" long, is a full 3.5 wide yet it only weighs 27oz. That's about 1oz heavier than the $500.00 Werners that many people are using. I've tried twice to make paddles to replace it (see earlier posts) but they have failed. I'm beginning to think that its kharma. I think I'll stay with this one for a while.
The intent of this entry is, in no way, to slag Euros, CF's or any other non-wood, non-GP paddles. I've tried the Euro's but they are too hard on my shoulders. Luckily the GP is more forgiving. A Euro paddle in the hands of a skilled paddler is a joy to watch. I guess I'd just like other paddlers to not think of wood as an inferior material nor should they be afraid to try a GP (wooden or CF) just to see what the grass is like on the other side of the fence.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you all the way on this...
ReplyDeleteHow come that does not surprise me?
While I have never seriously paddled with a greenland paddle, I wouldn't dismiss it all together. I love my werner cf, but those greenland sticks sure are beautiful.
Paddles to me are like kayaks......I love'em all and I want'em all, just can't have'em all but I sure love the mix and the feeling of accomplishment having known you've crafted your own.