Friday, March 25, 2011

On Deck - again!!

The third coat of paint was put on the hull on Thursday night. I contemplated a 4th but decided not too. If I ever need to touch up the hull, it's just a brush stroke away.

Friday was, believe it or not, a snow day. Even the Provincial Government was closed. Even with all this time on my hands, there was not much to do today. I did some work on my pad eyes - ground down the square edges on the plywood backing.

Then I set to work on preparing the deck for painting. I wet sanded the whole deck, the cockpit coaming and scrubbed the epoxy around the hatches because I knew there was amine blush there. Amine blush will turn your polyurethane paint to mush if you try to cover it!!  It was an easy day. Tonight we're asked out to supper so no work will be done further on the boat this day. My son has a basketball tournament tomorrow (Sat) but between games I should get a coat of blue on the deck.

I snapped off a few shots of the boat after I finished swabbing the deck. I popped the hatch covers on just for effect.  The white deck and wooden deck look nice - sorta Betsie Bay-ish!. But I can't go that route because of too many pencil marks and such found under the layer of epoxy. I put in a few pad eyes in and some deck lines to see what it would look like. The compass is laid in there as well. Tomorrow this deck will be blue!!

Tick tock.  Tick tock!!

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